Have you ever wondered what a crabbit, a robutt or a smellevator looks like? Now you and your chosen few get to decide once and for all in this cool new doodle game! Draw from our precisely preselected pile of word mashup cards (portmanteaus), doodle your best (or worst) interpretation and vote on the winner. Porteau Party turns game night from snormal to funderful!
Questions? Comments? Send us an email at mashup@porteauparty.com
Gameplay Instructions
Setup Porteau Party is played with 3-8 players ages 8+. Give each player a dry erase board, a dry erase marker, and a voting token. Split the cards into beginner and intermediate decks (indicated on card backs). Choose your preferred deck based on the players’ ages/skill level. Put the unused deck aside and place your chosen deck face down in the center of the table.
At the beginning of each round, flip the top card of the chosen deck. Each player has two minutes to draw their interpretation of the word mashup on the card. When two minutes are up, each player shares their drawing. Players are encouraged to explain and advocate for their drawing. Each player then votes for the drawing that they like the most by placing their voting token on their preferred drawing. A player cannot vote for their own drawing. Each vote earns the creator of the drawing 10 points. The drawing with the most tokens gets an extra 10 points. In the event of a tie, the tied players each get 5 points.
After six rounds or after one player reaches 60 points (whichever occurs first) each player counts their total points. The player with the most points wins the game. If two or more players tie, a draw off takes place. One more card is flipped and the tied players each do one final drawing. All players vote. If there is another tie, the tied players share their victory.